
Reverse Mortgage Information About LendersWelcome to Reverse-Mortgage-Explained.com, free Reverse Mortgage Information!

If you want the best Reverse Mortgage Information and want to learn the facts and how to save time and money you have arrived at the right place!

On this web site we explain how Reverse Mortgage or HECM loans work, how they can eliminate your current mortgage payment and be a powerful tool to fund retirement, how to locate the best lenders and to find out more, all you have to do is keep reading.

While visiting our site look for our “Free Tips” (in green) and try our 10 free “Learning Steps” that will teach you step-by-step all about reverse mortgages.

But is a Reverse Mortgage right for you? At Reverse-Mortgage-Explained.com, we give you free, objective and unbiased reverse mortgage information. We tell you the truth about the reverse mortgage program and loan process — from what a reverse mortgage is to reverse mortgage pros and cons to safeguards to calculators that can tell you how much money you can receive to HUD FHA program guarantees and guidelines.

Don’t worry. We’re NOT bank lenders, financial advisers or others trying to sell you something. We’re industry outsiders with inside information who started this website because we saw a need to help seniors. We are passionate about delivering no cost, easy to understand reverse mortgage information that can save seniors time and money — and want to help them avoid problems and getting scammed!